petroleum storage
Underground Fiberglass Storage tanks
separator Models
Aboveground oil/water separator
Interceptors for oil/sand/grit
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Compartment Tanks
product information
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No. INT 6001)
French Canadian
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No.INST 6001 FRE)
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No. INT 6001 SPA)
Tank sumps
Double-Wall Tank Sump Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6034)
Single-Wall Tank Sump Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6030)
Supplemental documents
Alternate Tank Installation Methods (Pub No. INST 6060)
Berm Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6022)
Brine Monitoring Fluid MSDS Sheet (Pub No. SP 15002)
Deadmen Layout by Tank Size (Pub No. TNK 1062)
Lifting Tanks Using Slings (Pub No. INST 6021)
NYC Special Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6008)
Setting Monitoring Fluid Levels (Pub No. INST 6020)
Split Strap Anchor System Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6063)
Standard Hold Down Strap Anchoring Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6062)
6' Diameter
8' Diameter
8,000 Gallon (4/4 split) - PDF
8,000 Gallon (4/4 split) - DWG
10,000 Gallon (5/5 split) - PDF
10,000 Gallon (5/5 split) - DWG
10,000 Gallon (6/4 split) - PDF
10,000 Gallon (6/4 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (6/6 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (6/6 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (7/5 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (7/5 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (8/4 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (8/4 split) - DWG
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - PDF
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - DWG
10' Diameter
© 2017-2018 Containment Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
CSI is a Woman Owned Business certified by the WBENC.
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Please provide your contact information and a short message detailing your needs, and we will reach out to you with more information as soon as we can.
Product Literature
Petroleum Tank Brochure (Pub No. TNK 1001)
Compartment Tank Extension Layout (Pub No. TNK 1100)
Product Specifications
Petroleum Storage Tank Specifications (PDF) (Pub No. TNK 1092)
Petroleum Storage Tank Specifications (DOC) (Pub No. TNK 1092)
Installation Instructions
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No. INT 6001)
French Canadian
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No.INST 6001 FRE)
Fiberglass Storage Tanks Installation Instructions (Pub No. INT 6001 SPA)
Double-Wall Sump Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6034)
Single-Wall Sump Installation Instructions(Pub No. INST 6030)
Supplemental documents
Alternate Tank Installation Methods (Pub No. INST 6060)
Berm Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6022)
Brine Monitoring Fluid MSDS Sheet (Pub No. SP 15002)
Deadmen Layout by Tank Size (Pub No. TNK 1062)
Lifting Tanks Using Slings (Pub No. INST 6021)
NYC Special Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6008)
Setting Monitoring Fluid Levels (Pub No. INST 6020)
Split Strap Anchor System Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6063)
Standard Hold Down Strap Anchoring Installation Instructions (Pub No. INST 6062)
Wire Rope Over Tank Top (Pub No. INST 6047)
Compartment Tank Extension Layout
Typical Double-Wall Compartment Tank System
6' Diameter
6,000 Gallon (3/3 split) - PDF
6,000 Gallon (3/3 split) - DWG
6,000 Gallon (4/2 split) - PDF
8' Diameter
6,000 Gallon (4/2 split) - DWG
8,000 Gallon (4/4 split) - PDF
8,000 Gallon (4/4 split) - DWG
10,000 Gallon (5/5 split) - PDF
10,000 Gallon (5/5 split) - DWG
10,000 Gallon (6/4 split) - PDF
10,000 Gallon (6/4 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (6/6 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (6/6 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (7/5 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (7/5 split) - DWG
12,000 Gallon (8/4 split) - PDF
12,000 Gallon (8/4 split) - DWG
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - PDF
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - DWG
15,000 Gallon (10/5 split) - PDF
15,000 Gallon (10/5 split) - DWG
10' Diameter
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - PDF
15,000 Gallon (8/7 split) - DWG
18,000 Gallon (10/8 split) - PDF
18,000 Gallon (10/8 split) - DWG
20,000 Gallon (12/8 split) - PDF
20,000 Gallon (12/8 split) - DWG
20,000 Gallon (14/6 split) - PDF
20,000 Gallon (14/6 split) - DWG
22,000 Gallon (12/10 split) - PDF
22,000 Gallon (12/10 split) - DWG
BTU - Biofuel Tank Upgrade
Manhole & Wetwell
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